The Markets, Economy & US
By Walter Burien
January 6, 2004
In case you didn’t catch it, silver made its biggest move in 10 years on 01/06/04.
It had a high in the morning of $6.475 / oz. Backed off from that level but the key point is that it breached that level. Looks like $7.40 going into March. For the current price:
For a chart of the last 5 months:
Silver and gold are exclusively moving being priced in dollars. Dollar now is at 85 to the Euro and came off from 105 last year. Gold and silver can stay at the same value internationally but being priced in dollars here will go up, up, up, as the dollar goes down, down, down. To see the clarity of this, look at a 5 month Euro chart:
As I brought forward in a recent post I put out, the US Political move at this point is to create a garage sale special on all US goods, products, and services, while at the same time transferring the wealth of this country internationally through the devaluation of the dollar. Look for international orders of US goods to jump significantly each month over the next 5 month. Look for a trade surplus over a trade deficit. Look for property and land sales to go up from the interests to buy off foreigners. The foreign buyers can now buy the good old US of A at a 50% discount over last year.
EXAMPLE: Your $100,000 home last year if sold for $100,000 this year to a foreigner after currency exchange rates, he gets it for $50,000 in his currency’s buying power compared to the dollar last year. This applies also to US Cars, equipment, land, stocks, etc.
So yes, the US Stock market will jump.
It just became a half price bargain buy to the international crowd. This whole move on the political front over the last year was designed to create this scenario. The key component in the play was to keep interest rates low so that foreigners would not invest in the USA due to low rate of return and impending slide in the dollar. Now that the dollar has dropped, and will continue to drop over the next several months, then here comes the reversing tidal wave. And it will be a big one.
On the political front, the politicians will tout the new growth in the US economy, trade surplus, and low unemployment as the orders come in. The point the American public will not be told, is the aspect of the bargain basement sale that just took place to accomplish those results, and that they lost over half of their “International value” of everything that they own. But then for the string pullers of New World Order objective, balancing the wealth around the globe just became a step closer to accomplishment. But then, they are the money brokers exchanging the transfer of that wealth, and my, my, my what wealth accumulates from a few percentage points as tens of trillions of dollars of wealth being transferred across the globe each and every month.
The US government within their own investment portfolio management divested significantly over the last ten years from US holdings to secure foreign holdings as the transfer of wealth took place. Here government investment funds will profit from the appreciation of foreign investments and depreciation of US investments. But then look at what a good job they are doing investing the public’s money, (actually, what used to be the public’s money) and I note; at the public’s expense. I bet the US populace never realized how valuable of a resource they are to the rest of the globe, and upper level management of the US Government. I hope that international crowd says thank you with a very big smile on their face. They better after such a bargain basement sale. I wonder what the US Government boys will do with their new found international investment wealth. Return it to the US People, or use it to expand, secure, and finalize their world empire and control of the population?
Now under the current circumstances that’s a tough one to answer, at least for those under ten years old. In my past posts over the last several years, I don’t thinks I made myself clear to the people I was reaching. I would like to correct that right now. I will first address the negative first, and then the positive; The problem we all have is that government has developed (and quite naturally so based on opportunity) into a structure that uses the people strictly as a resource. First a little, then more, then overbearingly so.
Every aspect of the revenue streams now in place are based on the population being a resource to be tapped and drained. If it continues along the lines and paths as are now in place, we may remain safe in our beds for a while, but inevitably, we will die. Die, broken, drained, spirit crushed, and used up by force exerted on us, assimilating us as a resource for and by a runaway syndicate of for profit totalitarian users who have masterfully usurped control over government for their benefit and establishment of their own personal empires built domestic and internationally. Even in death, upon opportunity they will take what is left of our cumulative life productivity value as we pull in our last breath and then are put in the ground. I don’t call that living or dying well under any terms of the imagination. But then look at what a good job the syndicate does with the masterfully presented entertainment we are all exposed to and saturated with every second of our lives. That distraction is essential to keep you in place and compliant as you are utilized as a resource for someone else’s benefit, and the entertainment presented is used and played out so extraordinarily well by the syndicate. One example of a lab experiment the syndicate ran a few years ago to test their limitations of masterful control and muscle, was to kill a hundred of our own men woman and children on national TV with day by day plays, culminating with burning them alive, running a bulldozer over what remains, locking up the few survivors, and then giving themselves and their cooperatives raises and extra vacation time for having done so.
Done, with you being used as the resource to make it happen without you being able to forcefully object, stop, or effect accountability for these type of actions. They even charged you triple to make it happen. Now that is masterful entertainment played out by the syndicate of no equal in and for that period of our time.
Keep in mind entertainment encompasses good and bad emotions. The key to the syndicate is to guide your focus and reactions (or lack thereof) for their specific purposes. Then, a few years later the stakes increase for the international play in the move towards world resource management. Just as Hitler did so well in Germany, the Reichstag fire that entertained and masterfully played the German populace into WW2 where their resource value could be so quickly secured and directed by momentum into resource conquest, the model used and played out again now just three years past. The plan now unfolds for the new corporate syndicate to accomplish quick and easy world resource takeover and management. Done step by step, almost without a hitch, as each day the storm-trooping ahead continues towards the objective of world resource management now ever so closer and in reach. To be clear, the problem is; Us, the people being used as a resource, masterfully managed and entertained by others, for their gain. NOW FOR THE POSITIVE: How do we correct the problem? Change, the motive and efforts of the syndicate to focus on a resource other than the approach of stealing from the people by force, deception, and expansion. Make the prosperity, wealth, and ownership of the people and the businesses that they run the common denominator that generates the wealth for government and the power brokers. Take the people out of the resource equation, and make the resource value the growth of peoples success in their wealth, prosperity, and clear ownership. Government, by opportunity now brings in two-thirds of their gross income form NONTAX income.
Government’s investment resources is the primary generator of wealth for them, not taxation. Taxation these days is exclusively used to control the population and the degree of wealth the population possesses. The wealth is now held, owned, and controlled by the mass corporate structure of government. How can empowering the people make Government and the Power brokers wealthy, more so than what they already have accomplished?
Let me regress for a second to the past. When the people were empowered by circumstance and their wealth grew, the Government users and power brokers focused on tapping into this growing and ripe resource by whatever means necessary to get the job done. The primary tactics used were over taxation, deception, force, and expansion to overwhelm that resource and gorge on the fruits of that it produced. This led in the government collective conduct to what I call “The IV syndrome” Keep the resource alive so that the flow of blood can be fed on. If the resource strengthens, then good for government, now we can drain more blood. If we take to much, so what, there is more and replenishing resource food out there to take from. New generations cropping up all the time. Again I will say it very clearly; With this type of unchecked system, the new destructive technology at hand, and the current momentum in place, we, and have no illusions about it, will die, and not die well. Here is where it becomes essential to change the mode and primary focus of resource management from within the collective consciousness.
The control and takeover tool of taxation must be eliminated in its entirety.
The only resource to be considered a resource shall be the ability for the people to spend, own, and develop their wealth under their control and at their direction.
The massive wealth now held by government shall be used exclusively for that purpose. US Government, both local and Federal, drove the economy of this country by the investment of the wealth they were securing and managing taken from the public. The 50s, 60s, 70s, and 80s prospered as this wealth was reinvested in this country.
Then comes the 90s and in walks greed and overbearing arrogance backed up by totalitarian obfuscation of the wealth. Three fatal combinations. But then over the last one hundred years, out of the three power groups, government and the financial cartels were teamed up against the third power group, the people to strictly use the people as a resource.
The third, and least organized power group, the people never stood a chance against the well organized and centralized resources of the two other power groups oppressing them in tandem, the government administration and financial cartels. So here we stand. The people, a managed and severely drained resource. And as I said earlier, I wanted to be clear. What, I have put forward, the TRF management accounts (TRF = Tax Retirement Funds) will:
Eliminates taxation in its entirety.
Changes the sole resource from being the people to being exclusively the ability for the people to spend, own, and develop their wealth under their control and at their direction. Prosperous people, prosperous returns on the investment funds. Massive investment funds growing each and every day!
Allows for the smooth and timely transition of the massive wealth held by government to be used exclusively for the purpose of tax elimination and return of ownership and control of the wealth and property to, for, and by the people. And with the massive growth of the TRF, in the long, short, and end run, benefits all three power groups.
The people, financial cartels, and government administrations. It is time to evolve, prosper, and live as if your life depends on it. It does!
Walter Burien
Please get TNT – The National Tea-Party video from http://CAFR1.comPlease support the TRF project! PS: Positive development! One US Senator last Saturday asked me if I would make presentations to several committees and groups in DC, and in his home state on the TRF for consideration and implementation of the TRF management by and for them and the country. My response to him was; “Put it in writing” ;<) Are you ready for the millennium? I sure am! Let’s make it happen! Just don’t forget to invite me and my family to the party when it starts.